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Personal Works



The Eternal Fields - Entrusting Memories to the Fields

”The more you try to forget, the more it stays with you.  When you need to let go of something, it is engraved in your heart.”—From Wong Kar-wai's "Ashes of Time”


I simply don’t remember about the past or never really thought about remembering the past. 

I have never been one to hold on to the past, but after my mother's death, I found myself troubled by memories of her.





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I am ready to dream a dream with her


My dear Midori,


How have you been there since we last communicated ?
I am still here and would like to ask you to wait for me for a while.

I want to reiterate how precious the moments I had with you are to me, as I look back over the five years we spent together while creating our works. I remember you said ‘thank you’ at times, but I am wondering how many times I said it to you, so I am writing you this letter.

I love your ‘SOMEBANA’ works, which are fabricated from your sensitive mind and fingers. It was five years ago, in the winter of 2015......

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Starting a New Journey


After a long struggle with sickness, my mother passed away. Since then I have made a lot of trips. I have chosen to visit seaside, because I remember what my mother used to say to me before she died. “Michiko, I want to go to the seaside and feel the breeze.”  While seeing the horizon way out there, all the memories with her was back to me. We often took a walk together around the open fields in our neighborhood. As she was a good walker, I think she would enjoy walking around the seashore tirelessly. Now, she’s gone and I can’t see and touch her again. However, I feel her all the more because I know that I can never build up the relationship with her any more......


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One day, I came across and got glued on a doll.  ‘Oshichi’ is the name of the doll and she is historically famous 16-year-old girl who was put to death by burning at the stake for committing arson.  Oshichi committed the crime because she was dying to see her lover. After she was executed, her lover made a pilgrimage throughout the rest of his life.  

While I was gazing at this doll, I became to deeply feel her grief of taking care of his later life. With thinking of Oshichi’s love for him, I came to an idea that I should follow his footprints......

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Buried deep inside 

People in towns and villages are the unconscious keepers of lores and legends, the origins of which they are unaware.There are usually no signatures or evidence left, but I admit that from time to time I have sensed the smell and feel of their presence on swings blown by the wind in big old trees, and when I traced shadows moving subtly on a sunny day.As I said, everything returns to the soil eventually. Every single subject, matter and occasion, regardless of whether it is natural or artificial, remains in the soil under my feet, and waits for its time to be reborn. That is why there are times when I can smell and feel their breath.......

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Starting a New Story

I had been struggling with caring for my father at home when I started to take pictures of an old and strange shaped waste disposal factory , located next to my town. I know that growing old comes to everybody without fail, but I could not help feeling an emptiness after my father had unreturned end of life.He passed away soon after I started taking photographs in the town. Sadly, he became really thin and weak. At the last moment he was like dry leaves fell down with rustling sound.When I heard the creaking noise from those waste disposal factories, I remembered how my father had worked hard and got worn down......

© Michiko Chiyoda

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